Even in sad times one often finds there is a moment of joy ...in really seeing ...or in creating...however that should eventuate.

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Get Happy, a fave Judy Garland number that I happened to listen to today. THat Pharrell Williams number of more recent times was good too. 'Up in the morning, happy & gay' my FiL used to tell our small kids as they went to bed.

Interesting piece thanks, again, & HNY.

Had an aunty Edith & I would've regarded her name as hopelessly olde worlde as a kid. Now I quite like it, along with Agatha.

I'm happy today cos I got 7 hrs sleep last night.

Yeah, learned that FB lesson yrs ago...

Loved the teeth paragraph...people must've been ghastly to be close to in days of yore.

Will assume poetic licence with the 'better reasons than I'...

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Then there's the Elvis Costello and the Attractions album Get Happy!!, which takes its title from the song. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Get_Happy!!_(Elvis_Costello_album). Worth a listen, even if it's anything but a happy album.

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Ah ELvis...that Elvis. Definitely a fan, Alison & Shipbuilding being huge for me. RObert Wyatt does an affecting version of the latter. I skimmed that Wiki but will go back when I'm 'up'...spooky, just read Sam Moore's (Sam & Dave) obit...got some S&D vinyl somewhere in the vaults.

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..I mean, Watching The Detectives & Oliver's Army were huge everywhere...

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