Crazy how you never eluciadate on the "offensive" views the free speech union champions, such as posie parker's repeated calls for trans people to be murdered for using public toilets. Or William McGimpsey, of the free speech union's unabashed white supremacy. You know, these things that have lead to actual violence and terrorism, but that the FSU supports because they're really just a bunch of conservatives who want to be allowed to hate who they hate.

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It's easy to find hateful speech on either side of any issue. I abhor it, but I don't think suppressing it solves anything.

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Funny then how the FSU only defends hate speech on the right, practiced by their own members, and has supporters in people like David Seymour, who has for months now been claiming Chloe Swarbruck is trafficking in hate speech by supporting palestine.

It's almost like "free speech absolutists" are liars.

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