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Why Lingwistics?

Because words.

Because everyone has an opinion about language. Especially in matters of usage. And because at least half of what you think about language is probably wrong. (Unless you’re a language pedant, in which case almost all of what you think is certainly wrong.)

Lingwistics is where I go rummaging about in a large closet named The English Language that has more corners than you’d imagine. I’m interested in where its words came from. In how their meanings have changed over time. And why people get up in arms when they feel they’re being misused or abused.

If, like me, you’re a bit nutty about language, I expect you’ll enjoy it.

If you’re a language pedant, Lingwistics will piss you off no end. I expect you’ll enjoy it more than anyone.

Finally, Lingwistics is more like my personal sandpit than it is a pulpit. I did manage to scrape together a Masters in English in my youth (thank you, Liberal Western Education), but linguistics wasn’t among the things I studied. That came later in life, and without the academic rigour that would warrant me demanding your deference in the matters I discuss.

If you want fully reliable, then qualified linguists are your people. Compared to them I’m a rank amateur.

But I’ve hung out with a few of them, and frankly, I think I’m a little more fun.

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A guide to interesting words, problem words, word history, words that people get all het up about, and other aspects of language according to the author's mood and fancy.


I was 10 before I learned to ride a bike. 60 before I learned to tie my shoelaces like everyone else. But I'm a fair writer, so that's what I do with my life. That, and occasionally tripping over my shoelaces.